Monday, 1 June 2020

How Not to Lose in Poker - Be Attentive

How Not to Lose in Poker - Be Attentive
Texas Hold'em is a game of incomplete information. The more information you can get, the better your game. And all the events taking place at the poker table are a source of information that may be useful in making decisions.
Maximum use of automated solutions
The overwhelming majority of hands which will hand over to you, actually demand very little or at all don't demand reflexions how them to play.
From 15 % of draws which you will enter, many will appear simple, consisting of one action. Or you do raise with K K, and all are reset, or you are ready to play 9 9, when the opponent to you has gone va-bank. Only some hands, with which you will enter into draw, will demand from you the valid reflexions. And more in smaller quantity of cases you should make very difficult decision. When you will need to take this difficult decision, you will need as much information - and you can accumulate it, while playing on autopilot.
On what to pay attention
In brief: on all.
All that makes the player at the table can tell you how he plays, and what decisions will be taken. Observe how they talk, how they sit. Observe of each draw even if you don't participate in him. Remember any non-standard actions of opponents. Pay attention to that, how many money they have taken with themselves for game and to what stack of the size they buy in case of loss. Whether they like to play the big money? Whether they are afraid to lose? Do they bluff? Observe of all and remember that all is helps.
The more you catch the nuances and the more you analyze them and store, the greater your chances of making the right decision when it will be demanded by situation.
Acceptance of difficult decisions
When you have faced the difficult decision in draw, you need to reproduce fast and precisely in the memory all information on a hand and opponents resisting to you. Each particle of the information is one more element of a mosaic. The more elements of your mosaic, the easier you will see the whole picture.
Ability to accept a right decision during these key moments is that distinguishes winners from losers.


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